Lease Terms

RISE CAR RENTAL is committed to protecting and preserving the privacy of its visitors when they access our website or communicate with us by electronic means.

This privacy policy contains an explanation of how we handle personal information that you choose to provide to us or that we collect while browsing this site. Our privacy policy should be read in conjunction with our terms of use.

We update these policies frequently, so we recommend that you review it periodically

When you make an online reservation, get in touch or communicate with us for any reason on the Rapid Car Rental site, we need to collect certain information from you, in order to provide you with the best service. The data we obtain depends on the request, query or service you select and is listed below:
  • Name, email, address and/or work address, telephone number, driver’s license.
  • Details of your visit to our website: The pages and resources you accessed on our site; including -but not limited to- traffic data, location data and other data that can help us understand how visitors use our website.
  • Information that users provide to us as a result of completing a form on our site, for example, when a user registers information or makes a reservation.

Cookies can be used to improve the visitor’s experience on the site. We sometimes use cookies on the site to record statistical information about our visitors. When this information is collected, it is used by us to improve our site and further enhance the user experience, but it is NOT shared with advertisers. Note that any personally identifiable information is recorded.

We may also use cookies to collect general internet usage information to help us develop the site. When used, these cookies are downloaded to your computer automatically. This cookie is stored on the hard drive of your computer. The cookie contains information that is transferred to your computer’s hard drive and resent to us when appropriate, to help us improve the website and the service we provide.

All computers have the option to decline cookies. You can reduce or eliminate cookies from your computer from the Internet configuration options in the control panel of your computer.

Our advertisers may also make use of cookies on their website. We have no control over this and you should read the privacy policy of any advertiser you visit as a result of an advertisement or link on this site.

The information we collect from Rapid Car Rental is used by us to develop the website. It is not used by advertisers on this site. Additionally, we use this information for the following purposes
  • To provide information about our site, our products or services that you request.
  • To do all necessary actions to manage these services.
  • To fulfill our contractual obligations to you.
  • To notify us of any changes to our site, including improvements and changes to the product or service that affect our website.

All data provided to us is stored on our secure servers. Details of any transaction on our site are encrypted to ensure your security.

The security of your personally identifiable information is extremely important to us. We work carefully to protect the information we collect on our site from loss, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction. Implementing accepted security standards and technologies such as Firewall systems and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).

The transmission of information over the Internet is not completely secure and therefore we cannot guarantee the security of information sent to us electronically and the submission of information is at your own risk. When we provide you with a password to access certain parts of our site, you are responsible for keeping them confidential.


We do not sell, trade, or rent users’ personally identifiable information to third parties. We may share generic demographic information not linked to any personally identifiable information about visitors and users with our trusted business partners, affiliates and advertisers for the aforementioned purposes. We may use service providers to help us operate our business and the Site or administer activities on our behalf, such as sending out newsletters and surveys. We may share your information with these third parties for those limited purposes subject to your giving us your permission.

By using this site, you signify your acceptance of this policy and the service policies. If you do not agree to this policy, please do not use our site. Your continued use of the site following the posting of changes to this policy will be deemed your acceptance of those changes.